Another busy week here at Social Change Consulting, so not too many links to share. We do keep up-to-date on our Tumblr, so be sure to check in there throughout the week to see what we’re reading. Without further ado:
- did a great round-up of what is keeping nonprofit leaders up at night. Did your concerns make the cut?
- A theory we have been trying to drive for a while, the Bridgespan Group came out with new research this week that asserts donors want to know more about the impact of your organization.
- Are you responsible for writing eCommunications or social media content for your organization and struggle to find the time? Joel Gascoigne provides some tips on writing regularly.
- Not so much a link, but definitely important information to have. Did you ever wish you could receive our blog posts via email? Click the “Follow” button at the bottom of our site to sign up.
- Finally – local San Francisco Bay Area magazine 7×7 is hosting their annual Favorite Charities contest. We definitely encourage all Bay Area nonprofits to apply!
Justin (he, him) is a Principal and Co-Founder of Social Change Consulting. He has over fifteen years of nonprofit experience, with expertise in online fundraising, digital communications, and data management. Justin helps organizations connect their communication strategy to their income development needs. When he’s not on the clock, Justin is exploring Berlin, running, listening to too many podcasts, and drinking too much coffee.