Links of the week time. As always, check out our Tumblr throughout the week for more fun news.
- Google has provided a set of template documents for nonprofits.
- Always amazing to see nonprofits take their cause viral. Today, take a stand with GLAAD to stop bullying.
- YouTube has added campaign thermometers for their 18,000+ nonprofit partners. Their blog post describing the details can be found here.
- HBR provides an interesting article that discusses the dual needs of for-profit companies. Is it possible to make more money and help your community with the same initiatives?
- Whether you’re catching up on business cats or binders full of women memes, the Internet can be distracting at times. We liked these tips from authors on how they avoid online distractions.
- We know some nonprofit staff don’t know how to ask their friends for support for fear of alienating them. While this Inc. article is catering towards small business, there are some nice tips that can be applied at the nonprofit level.
- As election season heats up – a fun infographic on political spending on social media.
Justin (he, him) is a Principal and Co-Founder of Social Change Consulting. He has over fifteen years of nonprofit experience, with expertise in online fundraising, digital communications, and data management. Justin helps organizations connect their communication strategy to their income development needs. When he’s not on the clock, Justin is exploring Berlin, running, listening to too many podcasts, and drinking too much coffee.