It’s Weekly Roundup time – check-out our to catch all of our insights in one place.
- KIVA, the popular micro-loan provider, has now started its charitable program in certain US cities.
- We’ve posted similar pieces to our blog in the past, but the Stanford Social Innovation Review does an excellent job detailing the value in having a social media strategy.
- Mashable has an infographic that details how churches manage their social media. 46.1% of churches state that social media is their most effective method of outreach.
- It’s nice to see the pop-up business strategy is helping some San Francisco neighborhoods. Good.Is details the collboration between the City of San Francsico and pop-up incubator SFQT.
- Friend of Social Change Consulting, Jose Vadi, is featured in this KQED blog post about the collaboration between spoken-word poetry organization Youth Speaks and UCSF to help youth speak out against diabetes. You can watch Jose’s video on YouTube.
- Finally, UCLA ranks as one of the highest rated public schools on the recent Forbes list of top colleges. Needless to say, GO BRUINS!
Justin (he, him) is a Principal and Co-Founder of Social Change Consulting. He has over fifteen years of nonprofit experience, with expertise in online fundraising, digital communications, and data management. Justin helps organizations connect their communication strategy to their income development needs. When he’s not on the clock, Justin is exploring Berlin, running, listening to too many podcasts, and drinking too much coffee.