Many nonprofit organizations invest significant amounts of time and staff resources in developing fundraising emails, donation pages, thank you emails, and thank you letters. All of these pieces are critical to obtaining and retaining donors.

But, when was the last time you reviewed the post-donation thank you landing page on your website? This page is what donors see after completing their contribution and is often overlooked when developing or evaluating fundraising communication because energy is primarily spent on the strategy of getting people to that page.

Naturally, every post-donation thank you landing page should offer thanks to the donor. You want to convey how much your organization appreciates their support immediately. It is also critical to ensure this page is mobile-friendly. As mobile donations continue to increase, you want your mobile donors to have a smooth experience.

The post-donation thank you landing page is an opportunity for further engagement with your donors. As the content on this page should tie into your organizational goals, it is important to have an internal discussion to determine what those outcomes are. What are you hoping donors do after they donate? Would you prefer they learn more about your work or get involved in volunteer activities? Do you want to drive them to other engagement opportunities or learn why they contributed?

Your internal goals and outcomes should drive the content developed for this page. A strong post-donation thank you landing page has a targeted next step. While you can offer ten links to different ways to take action, the best landing pages are focused on one or two objectives that you want to guide your constituents towards. Below are options that may fit into your organization’s strategy:

Connect with your organization on social media
If your organization is prioritizing the need to build a stronger social media audience, then you should drive donors towards your social platforms. Social media offers year-round reminders of your upcoming events, community engagement, and overall impact. If possible, provide both the links to your social media pages and embed the ability to like/follow directly from the landing page, so that individuals don’t need to click onto those platforms to connect.

Thank you video
A video from your Executive Director or a key volunteer can be a powerful way to reinforce your organization’s gratitude and the impact that your donor’s donation will have. Don’t merely embed a video about your organization’s work – create a specific video offering thanks for the individual’s contribution and quickly sharing the impact that their gift will have. This video does not need to be shot professionally and can be done in the office.

Share volunteer opportunities
If your organization relies on volunteer engagement, the landing page offers a chance to educate your donors on additional volunteer needs that you have. You can list specific upcoming events or link to a volunteer survey.

Peer-to-peer fundraising
Some organizations encourage supporters to create peer-to-peer fundraising pages to raise money on their behalf. Most people don’t think to make another ask right after the donation – you don’t want to seem too greedy or unappreciative. But by linking this ask with the idea of having their contribution grow through peer-to-peer efforts, you can better maximize the potential gift that this donor will give to your organization.

Ask a survey question
It is never too early to start your post-donation assessment. If you’re unable to build survey questions into your donation form and want to learn more about your donors, this page represents an ideal access point. You can develop a question about how they heard about your organization, why they decided to contribute, or what programs/content areas they are most interested in. These questions can help you better segment future email communication by understanding the specific topics that are of interest to the donor.

Link to resources
If your organization is trying to increase constituent’s engagement in your mission-related programs, you can link to your resources directly from this page. Donors often have a personal reason for contributing and driving them towards your resources will help ensure they can connect with the support they need.

By aligning your post-donation thank you landing page with your organizational goals, you’ll be able to do a better job of encouraging donors to take further action that will fortify your mission.

Photo Credit: Matt Jones on Unsplash