Gifts vs. Investments

A word that is exceptionally prominent this time of year is a simple one – gift. And while gift giving during the holidays can be both a rewarding and stressful occasion, gift giving to charities is something that provides a bit more tension for those nonprofits...

The Power of Thanks

As we approach the end of the calendar year, nonprofits everywhere are gearing up for their last fundraising push. Research has shown that up to one-third of all giving is done in the month of December alone, making this end of year appeal critical for the success of...

The Importance of Being Political

As should be readily apparent, it is election season here in the United States. This can be a busy time for some nonprofits trying to fold advocacy efforts into the election cycle, while others try to sustain fundraising efforts in the face of increased political...

Size Matters

We’ve discussed the difference between small and large nonprofits, most specifically in relation to social media. But differences in size obviously go beyond just social media – it is a main deciding factor in hiring (or if you can even have a staff),...