The website, Getting Attention, has started a series of posts on the stories your nonprofit can tell. In their first set, they detail out the six types of stories that every nonprofit has at their fingertips.

The main takeaway here is that it might be time for your nonprofit to assess how you are selling yourself, and if you might have a better story to sell. What does your mission statement look like? Do your elevator pitches read more like a technical handbook than a motivational pep talk?

To take it one step further – what stories matter most to your audience? How can you use stories of your organization to create a personal connection with that potential donor or volunteer?

Storytelling is both art and science – finding that right balance of formula and heart can go a long way in creating communication that has impact and value.

Please peruse the following links from the week. As always, follow check out our Tumblr for updates throughout the week.

  • This week, Razoo announced that they are expanding their crowdfunding platform to help individuals who are in need of greater support.
  • Buffer provides a great list of Twitter statistics that may be helpful for your work on that platform.
  • A recent report by Google shows that your year-end campaign should start September. The Chronicle of Philanthropy covers it here.
  • NPQ provides a long-form article on the advantages and challenges of working with financial advisors.