We at Social Change Consulting are, surprisingly enough, not people who are afraid of change. And in looking at the current blog related market, we thought it was time for one.

Tumblr is one of the fastest growing social media sites on the internet right now – with over 69 million blogs and 30 billion blog posts to date, the site trails only WordPress as the preferred mode of blogging communication. It has proven successful as a medium to show the “behind the scenes” look at companies and individuals, offering up a more intimate look into their strategy and branding. In addition, it has huge spikes in interest in younger demographics, including those leaving Facebook.

While we have enjoyed using Scoop.it for the last few months, the value just wasn’t there for us to continue. And in an effort to continue to stay up to date on the items we post, we wanted to introduce you to the newest addition to our communication family – the Social Change Consulting Tumblr.

We’ll continue to post our weekly round-up of links, but be sure to check-in to our Tumblr for some links and information that normally wouldn’t find it’s way onto our main website.

But now, without further ado, here are this week’s top stories (according to us):

  • This week, there was a bit of news about mobile apps that have a social impact. LevelUp allows users to donate part of their payment to charity. Meanwhile, Social Impact helps users pick retail establishments that are having an impact on their local community.
  • Does your organization inundate volunteers with calendar notices and reply all emails? Mashable provides a nice review of VolunteerSpot, an online scheduling and organizing tool.
  • What is more valuable – your great track record or your potential for greatness? Researchers at Stanford and Harvard found that the potential for greatness was more valued. This provides interesting implications on how nonprofit organizations could sell themselves.
  • Will Zappos PinPointing change the business model for Pinterest?
  • Some of the nonprofit organizations that we work or meet with often discuss the challenges they face that larger npos don’t deal with. There are some advantages that smaller organizations have that allow them to compete with “the big boys”.
  • Coffee is an important part of our day. We enjoyed this infographic that explains how to make every coffee drink you might want.