It’s Weekly Roundup time – check-out our to catch all of our insights in one place.

  • KIVA, the popular micro-loan provider, has now started its charitable program in certain US cities. 
  • We’ve posted similar pieces to our blog in the past, but the Stanford Social Innovation Review does an excellent job detailing the value in having a social media strategy. 
  • Mashable has an infographic that details how churches manage their social media. 46.1% of churches state that social media is their most effective method of outreach.
  • It’s nice to see the pop-up business strategy is helping some San Francisco neighborhoods. Good.Is details the collboration between the City of San Francsico and pop-up incubator SFQT.
  • Friend of Social Change Consulting, Jose Vadi, is featured in this KQED blog post about the collaboration between spoken-word poetry organization Youth Speaks and UCSF to help youth speak out against diabetes. You can watch Jose’s video on YouTube.
  • Finally, UCLA ranks as one of the highest rated public schools on the recent Forbes list of top colleges. Needless to say, GO BRUINS!